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Quick Tips To Keep Your Pack Up Storage Solutions Stress-Free

Our store managers know that warmer months are prime seasons where people start looking for decluttering solutions. A little later into the warmer season is time to prepare for Back To School, where the kids are venturing into new living quarters that might demand more organization to maximize livable space. Plenty of places have products that store things, but what about doing the right things before you begin packing? We have some ideas.

Back To School Moving Organization Tips

  • Make a plan so you don’t get overwhelmed. This will help you prioritize. Even setting a goal for each day will make it more manageable.
  • Packing items you don’t use daily first saves time.
  • Declutter before you start packing
  • Purchase clear bins or color-coordinated bins to help stay organized.
  • Make sure you have plenty of tape, bubble wrap, Sharpies and a good pair of scissors.
  • Create an inventory list while you are packing.
  • Divide your belongings into groups (or by room) and pack like items together (books, towels, bedding, etc.).
  • Don’t overstuff your boxes and bins where they are too heavy to handle on your own. There might not be a helping hand on the other end of the move.
  • Keep clothes on hangers to save time. Instead of using bins or boxes, you can use old dry cleaner bags or trash bags to carry and protect your clothes.
  • Next, label the bins on the top and on at least one side. That will take the guesswork out as you are unpacking. Be as detailed as possible: Kitchen: Baking pans. Linens: Master Bedroom

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